Medical Information Sciences Vortragsreihe (2 CME Punkte) Prof. Dr. Fabian Prasser

Auf einen Blick:

Dienstag, 06.02.2024, 17:30 bis 19:00
Ort: Großer Hörsaal (UKA, second floor, Room 047)

Prof. Dr. Fabian Prasser
(Head of Medical Informatics Group, Center of Health Data Sciences, BIH@Charité, Berlin)
“Translational Research Informatics: Projects, Strategies and Structures in Berlin and Germany”
Date: February 6th 2024 (starting 5:30 pm)

Place: Großer Hörsaal (UKA, second floor, Room 047)
The lecture will be live-streamed to lecture hall N2045 (FAI). 

Translational informatics plays a crucial role in transforming biomedical research, with a special emphasis on the sharing and reuse of data. This talk will present an overview of informatics research at the Berlin Institute of Health at Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin. It will proceed to outline Charité‘s local strategies and expand to address regional and national infrastructures and platforms in Germany.
Fabian Prasser studied computer science with a minor in theoretical medicine at the Technical University of Munich. He completed his interdisciplinary doctoral thesis both at the Institute for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Epidemiology and in computer science at the Chair for Database Systems. In doing so, he dealt with modern methods of data integration for translational medical research. Another focus of his work is data protection, which he also examined in his habilitation thesis. Fabian Prasser received several awards for his work on data anonymisation, including the Johann Peter Süßmilch Medal of the German Society for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology in 2017. Until his move to the Charité, Fabian Prasser was technical coordinator of the consortium "Data Integration for Future Medicine (DIFUTURE)" in the medical informatics initiative of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
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