Medical Information Sciences Vortragsreihe (2 CME Punkte) Dr. Naveed Ishaque

Auf einen Blick:

Dienstag, 23.01.2024, 17:30 bis 17:30
Ort: Großer Hörsaal (UKA, second floor, Room 047)

Dr. Naveed Ishaque
(Group Leader, Computational Oncology Research Group, BIH@Charité – Center for Digital Health, Berlin)
„Cell Segmentation Free Analysis of Spatial Transcriptomics Data“
Spatial transcriptomics technologies have revolutionised how we characterise cellular systems - they are able to profile gene expression in the native tissue context, thus preserving cellular organisation in tissue and niches. In this talk I will present some of the challenges associated with analysis spatial transcriptomics data, in particular cell segmentation, and how we are trying to develop tools to address these issues.
Dr. Naveed Ishaque obtained a M.Sc. in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology at Imperial College London and undertook his Ph.D. under Jonathan Jones at Sainsbury Laboratory in Norwich, focusing on the genetic basis of plant-pathogen interactions. As for his post doc, he joined the Heidelberg Centre for Personalised Medicine under Benedikt Brors and Roland Eils in 2013. In 2018, he moved with Roland Eils to Berlin where he leads the Computational Oncology research group at the Berlin Institute of Health. His group develops and apply bioinformatics methods for analysing omics data for human diseases, with a strong interest in spatial omics.
Date: January 23rd 2024 (starting 5:30 pm)
Place: Großer Hörsaal (UKA, second floor, Room 047)
The lecture will be live-streamed to lecture hall N2045 (FAI).
We once again offer the chance to arrange informal individual meetings with the speaker to discuss related scientific questions. Please send an e-mail to to make an individual appointment .
The lecture will last 45 to 60 minutes and it will be followed by an open discussion. Each session will be rounded off with an informal get-together, where snacks and beverages will be served. Please feel free to join!